24+ Quick Acts of Kindness for Families
Not all acts of kindness require planning. In fact, people all over the world are spreading kindness right now.
Be watchful for everyday moments when a little kindness can make a big difference.
Ask your children:
How would we know if someone was having a bad day and may need a little extra kindness?
What are some safe and simple ways to share kindness with a stranger?
Click to print 3 sheets of DIY card designs and a Community Acts of Kindness Checklist
24+ Simple Acts of Kindness Examples
Write a letter to someone you know who could use some extra attention. A real letter. With paper!
Did you use something that made you happy today? Write a thank you for it, either to the person who gave it to you, or to the manufacturer.
Offer to pick up groceries for your neighbor.
Say I love you to someone you love.
Hold the door open for someone.
Help someone with a stroller get up the stairs.
Spend quality time with your pet.
Bring flowers to someone you know who is having a tough day.
Write a note of encouragement and support for new parents.
If someone did a great job for you, write a note to that person’s boss thanking them and commending the good job.
Ask someone “how are you doing” and really listen. Sit down. No multitasking.
Draw a picture for someone you love, especially if you notice they have had a bad day.
Give awards to people who do kind things for you. Give your award a name and make a few awards ahead of time (get inspiration for medals like the Caldecott medal, an Olympic medal, or a Nobel prize). Keep them with you and hand them out as a fun way of saying thank you. Visit the link above for a free printable to make this easier.
Keep a “kindness” book in your bag, backpack or purse. Pull it out to read and discuss with your child.
Keep ingredients for an on-the-go service project in your bag. It might be a few paper lunch bags (along with crayons and stickers) to decorate for Meals on Wheels, or some blank cards and decorating supplies to create a card of thanks or gratitude.
Click here to print this set of Kindness Cards.
More Fun Ideas
For anonymous (not-necessarily random) acts of kindness.
Include a quick note saying “Enjoy!” or “Use me.” You may even want to print and cut apart our Printable Kindness Cards or put your artistic skills to work with this free printable: Design Your Own Kindness Cards.
Tape quarters to a vending machine or gum machine for the next person to use.
Leave microwave popcorn bags next to a movie vending machine.
Pay the toll for the driver behind you.
Pay the bill for the person behind you in line at the drive through.
Buy a lottery ticket and give it to the person behind you in a busy market line.
Each time you get a new article of clothing, give one away.
Put your shopping cart away.
Leave a book in a Little Free Library.
If you live in a city where people hold signs saying they need money, you could make “care kits” to hand out. Simply fill resealable plastic bags with clean socks, a granola bar or other snacks, lip balm, hygiene items and perhaps gloves or sunscreen, depending on the weather.
Still looking?
Discover more ways to practice kindness with your family.
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The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.