Moving Beyond "How's School Going?"

Conversation starters beyond "how's school going"

Printable Conversation Prompts for the Holiday Table

We all want those moments of connection during the big holiday feast, but nothing quite shuts a child down like the dreaded (and dull) question of How's school going.

The reality is, children have a lot to say. Whatever their age, whatever their interests, they also enjoy being with people who are truly listening (who doesn't!).

But getting them started can be a challenge, especially for relatives at a holiday gathering.

My nine-year-old had some definitive ideas about how to involve everyone at our gatherings in meaningful, fun conversations. Together, we created these 10 printable prompts. She plans to cut each prompt out, glue it to a decorative strip of paper, and add it to the place settings during our next holiday party.

In the meantime, we've been using them during regular family dinners. They've actually led to some amazing (and hilarious) moments. Priceless!

You're welcome to use ours or brainstorm your own as a family. Enjoy!

Print, cut apart, glue to decorative paper, and use at a holiday gathering.

Print, cut apart, glue to decorative paper, and use at a holiday gathering.