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Like our service projects, this list is continuously evolving. If you don't see your favorite books or websites, we welcome your suggestions in the comment section below.
Chapter Books - Late Elementary & Young Adult
Picture Books - Preschool & Early Elementary
Websites - Late Elementary & Young Adult
PBS President for a Day
As acting President, plan your day and learn fun facts about former Presidents and the White House along the way.
Website that encourages parents to introduce their children to the democratic process by taking them to the polls on Election Day. Includes other ideas for getting children more involved in the political process, such as holding dinner table debates and participating in polls created especially for kids.
The Presidential Game by The Presidential Game, LLC. Ages 11 and up. Plan a campaign and strategize as you run for office and see how well you’d do as President of the United States.
Rock the Vote www.rockthevote.com Aimed at young adults, this website promotes the importance of voting and exercising your political rights.
Loaded Questions Political Party board game by All Things Equal, Inc. Ages 16 and up. If you were President, how would you run the country? No political expertise needed, only a sense of humour and a creative mind.
Books & Organizations - Adult
The One-Hour Activist by Christopher Kush
This book is your guide to influencing lawmakers, candidates, and reporters. It reveals fifteen powerful, proven grassroots actions that persuade lawmakers and candidates to see things your way.
The Political Campaign Desk Reference: A Guide for Campaign Managers, Professionals and Candidates Running for Office by Michael McNamara
Everything you need to know about running an effective campaign.
What You Should Know About Politics . . . But Don’t: A Non-Partisan Guide to the Issues That Matter by Jessamyn Conrad
Make sure you know the fundamentals of politics by reading this well-respected and popular book that explains it all in simplistic language for the average reader.
Pocket Constitution (Text from from the U.S. Bicentennial Commission Edition) by Delegates of the Constitutional Convention
This 52-page pocket sized booklet contains The Constitution of the United States (including The Bill of Rights and Amendments 11-27) and The Declaration of Independence.
FairVote the Center for Voting and Democracy
The organization works for election reform and has information on its website about election issues and possible solutions, including Instant Runoff Voting.
Library of Congress: The Learning Page for teachers
For teachers, with lots of resources and activities about the election process.
Federal Agencies
A directory of federal agencies sorted alphabetically and includes links to the websites for each agency.
The Government Printing Office (GPO)
GPO is the Federal Government’s primary centralized resource for gathering, cataloging, producing, providing and preserving published information in all its forms. Use this site to find any government document from the federal budget to the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents.
The US Government’s Official Web Portal
As the U.S. government’s official web portal, this site makes it easy for the public to get U.S. government information and services on the web.