Birthday Party of Charity for Children Born into Financial Hardship

Malin invited friends to a birthday party that gives back others. 

Malin invited friends to a birthday party that gives back others. 

Malin is a soon to be 8-year-old Denverite who has chosen to hold a wholly unconventional birthday party. Inspired by a Mitzvah (good deed) project and Chelsea Clinton's book It's Your World, she has decided to give back to the community in the form of having her party at Denver Health in the Newborns in Need unit because she feels that she has "enough." In lieu of gifts, she has asked friends to bring items on the Newborn in Need wish list to be given to children born into financial hardship. After a tour of the unit and discussion regarding need, the party kids will stuff bags with wish list items (e.g. diapers, wipes, toys, basic necessities for the 1st 1-2 months of life) and make blankets to be given to each child born at Denver Health hospital.