Doing Good Together™ 2018-19 Annual Report

Thanks to the incredibly generous support of the Al and Jane Nahmad Foundation, we are growing community engagement in Miami-Dade.
Since 2014, Natalie Silverstein has been an extraordinary DGT volunteer, not only coordinating our listings in the NYC area, but also organizing service opportunities, leading workshops, and finding multiple opportunities to promote our mission. Her lifelong passion for family service led to her recently published book: Simple Acts: A Busy Family’s Guide To Giving Back.
DGT’s second annual Festival of Giving, a grand Twin Cities celebration of kindness, generosity, and community, brought together hundreds of kids and adults to complete a wide range of service projects, and to enjoy fun kindness activities and multicultural performances.
DGT’s message of growing caring kids is spreading! In the past year, DGT staff have presented at national conferences; spoken to groups of volunteer leaders from around the county; coordinated service events for schools, faith groups, organizations and businesses; led parent workshops in multiple locations; and expanded our volunteer listings to eight key U.S. cities.