Helping the Hungry: A Big-Hearted, Book-Based Curriculum
Enrich your food drive with three fun, meaningful lessons.
Our innovative curriculum guides children through the complicated issue of hunger and empowers them to make a difference.
Helping the Hungry, a curriculum created by Doing Good Together™, is designed to deepen the food drive experience for children ages 4-10 in your congregation, school, homeschool community, or youth group – and, in the process, inspire increased donations!
Individual families interested in exploring the issue of hunger will enjoy these resources on their own as well.
Each lesson in this three-part series includes the following:
Guided group discussion – designed around one of three central questions: What is hunger and who experiences it? Why are people hungry? How can communities come together to fight hunger?
Three carefully selected picture books – Maddi's Fridge, Tight Times, and One Potato, Two Potato (by Cynthia DeFelice)
Conversation cards – customized for each book
Group activity – simple, creative, and designed to support your local food pantry
Take-home project – extend the lesson at home with fun, kindness missions and conversation starters
Creative tools – scavenger hunts, advocacy projects, and other print outs can be reused next time this lesson is explored
Easy to download– Buy or borrow books to complement the PDF materials printed from your own computer.
Order the entire three-lesson curriculum (ready-to-print materials) as a digital download for $9.99 (buy or borrow books separately).
“One of the greatest feelings in the world is knowing that we as individuals can make a difference. Ending hunger in America is a goal that is literally within our grasp.”
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Stories are the gateway to understanding big topics, and we offer picture book lists for young readers, along with chapter books for tweens.
Disclaimer: Doing Good Together™ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.