Doing Good Together™ Family Service Fairs

A Fun Occasion with Lessons that Last

In an approximately 90-minute open house style event, a Doing Good Together™ Family Service Fair features a variety of opportunities for families and other interested participants to do simple and fun hands-on projects that benefit non-profit organizations meeting needs in the community.

Those who participate in a DGT™ Family Service Fair receive take-home project ideas and tools to reflect on their experience, so they can continue their involvement in community service on their own. Past participants consistently rate the fairs as positive experiences, with 94% saying the event was "great." 

Each DGT™ Family Service Fair includes service projects such as...

  • Educational toys for children in crisis

  • Dinner kits for low-income families

  • Toys for orphaned animals

  • “Happy mail” for children struggling with serious illnesses

  • Hygiene kits for homeless families

The Miami-Dade Public Schools are the national model for a district-wide focus on family giving!

Watch this video to see a family service fair in action. Then take a look at this infographic to see the impact the Fair had in 2019 - 2020.

Miami-Dade Public Schools Family Service Fair Impact

SUCCESS STORIES: Doing Good Together™ Service Fair participants in Miami reflect on the importance of serving others as a family.

It was an amazing evening. We had over 250 participants going through each of the eight stations and really learning about people in need. Parents, children, staff members and community members all were in awe of the event. I cannot say enough about the staff from Doing Good Together. [They were] absolutely incredible. It was a pleasure to work with this organization and we look forward to doing many more of these events…Thank you for reaching out to us and selecting us as a school to participate in this incredible event.
— Silvia Tarafa, Principal Key Biscayne K-8 Center

Your school or organization can host this fun, meaningful event – at no cost!

DGT™ Family Service Fair events are supported by the Al & Jane Nahmad Family Foundation.

Invitation to Host

Learn about our Family Service Fairs and how your Miami-Dade elementary school, K-8 school, after school program or childcare center can host this unique, family-friendly event during the 2022 - 2023 school year. Then fill out this application. If your school is one of the 13 chosen, we will assist you in offering this experience to your school or organization’s families. Our hope is that your community will be inspired by this event to find new and even greater ways to care and contribute for each other -- and beyond your walls.

Doing Good Together (DGT™) will provide all funding and organize the event, including connecting with the local nonprofits, purchasing (and paying for) supplies, and handling event logistics.

Eligibility: Any Miami-Dade Elementary or Pre-K-8 school, nonprofit after school program or nonprofit childcare center

Award Requirements

  • Enthusiasm for enhancing your school or organization’s culture with a greater focus on giving, kindness, empathy, and service.

  • Select a point person who responds to questions in a timely manner and form a small team of parents/staff who are interested in making this an annual event, if the inaugural event is a success.

  • Review this webpage and other background materials on the experience.

  • Participate in meeting with Miami Family Service Fair coordinator to clarify timeline and roles & responsibilities.

  • Recruit 8 -10 volunteers for the evening of the FSF, beginning ½ hour before it begins for set-up, staffing stations during the event, and being available for clean-up until ½ hour after it ends.

  • With assistance from DGT, create and implement a promotion plan to encourage as many families as possible to attend the Fair.

I am truly humbled that we were able to be part of this incredible experience. Doing Good Together Family Service Fairs are the kinds of initiatives that we need more of in this fast-paced world we live in. [Doing Good Together’s] guidance and leadership were impeccable. The donors who underwrite your program must be very proud of the work that you and your colleagues are doing. We will never forget this experience at Air Base K-8 Center. The families were so impressed and happy to have brought their families to the event. We are grateful to you and we wish you the best of luck in your very special endeavor.
— Raul Calzadilla, Jr., Principal Air Base K-8 Center for International Education