Miami Kindness Project Sign-Up Form


If you are a Miami parent, caregiver, youth group leader, or educator, you’ve come to the right place! Doing Good Together has the tools you need to incorporate kindness, service, diversity, tolerance, compassion, generosity and empathy into your family life, classroom, or youth group.

Simply fill out the form to sign up for any or all of these resources:

  • Download a fun, meaningful Miami-specific Kitchen Table Kindness Kit for your family, youth group or class. 

  • Subscribe to our FREE monthly listing of family-friendly Miami volunteer opportunities – some on-site and many that can be done right from home! 

  • Subscribe to our Kindness Tips, simple ideas for living generously that come straight to your inbox each week.

  • Explore our Big-Hearted Classroom Projects. Miami-Dade teachers and youth group leaders can find projects that nurture compassion, empathy and community connection, while teaching important academic skills – whether you’re teaching on-site or virtually. We also include great “kindness homework” ideas!