The Blake School — Doing Good Together™

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The Blake School

The Challenge:

This highly respected institution enjoyed a robust, nationally recognized service-learning program, and now sought to engage families more fully in their service efforts.

DGT’s Solution:

Help develop a multi-tiered approach to engaging families:

  • Partnered to host an annual Family Service Fair and created a post-event resource book with simple service opportunities.

  • Conducted workshops for parents on how to begin a family tradition of service.

  • Suggested posting DGT’s monthly listing of family-friendly volunteer opportunities on the school’s website.
Doing Good Together™ has encouraged a culture of service at The Blake School. DGT™ has designed Family Service Nights [Fairs] that bring students, families and school together for enjoyable and meaningful service action. These events plus DGT books and volunteer monthly suggestions encourage empathy, compassion, community and hands-on service.
— Nan Peterson, Director of Service Learning, The Blake School