Welcome, DGT™ Ambassadors!
Intro letter/info goes here = feel good welcome and intro to Toolkit
Speaking of DGT...
Want to concisely sum up what DGT does in a quick "elevator speech"?
Want to share DGT's message in an email to a friend or colleague?
This section is for you. Feel free to use or discuss (copy & paste) these DGT-approved words and phrases in written or face-to-face discussions. In addition, we offer DGT-created videos and infographs to learn more and share with your audience.
Let's Get Social!
Got a favorite social media channel? Whether you're a fan of Facebook. a follower of Twitter, or an active Pinterest pinner, we've got help for you. Choose from DGT-approved tweets and links to share for a number of social channels, including the Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Linked In.
Are you a Blogger? Do you follow a favorite Blogger (or several)? Be sure to connect with our DGT Blog, and see how you can engage with other Bloggers about the benefits of DGT.
Programs We're Proud Of
You may already know about DGT's Big-Hearted Families program and our unique Membership Circle. But maybe you're not yet aware of the Workshops and Presentations we offer. Or perhaps you know DGT thanks to our Family Service Fairs... but we have other ways to partner with nonprofits and other organizations.
This section gives you a complete overview of what DGT can do for a variety of audiences, including families, schools, faith groups, corporations, – and of course, our Ambassadors!
Here you'll find your most common questions asked and answered ... in one place.
Visit this section to find out what DGT does best – and what we don't do.
What separates our "kindness mission" from other organizations?
What limits do we have to our offerings?
Where can you go to find other resources not covered by DGT?
If someone wants further information, whom should they contact?
These questions, and more, are answered on our FAQ page!