Assemble Kits for Church World Service
Give essentials to those in need.
Church World Service (CWS) collects School Kits, Hygiene Kits, Baby Care Kits and Emergency Clean-up Buckets for worldwide distribution to those in need.
Possible recipients
Families in need around the world, such as victims of famine or floods.
What you’ll need
The Church World Service website describes what items are needed for each kit. Cost can be an issue with this project. Consider asking friends and neighbors to “sponsor” your effort or collect donated items for your kits. You might end up with a big-hearted community at your side!
Find your options for compiling and sending your kits at the Church World Service website.
Why is it important to learn about issues affecting people in other countries? Do you think we should help people who live far away?
How do you think you would feel if you weren’t able to go to school, get to the doctor when you were sick, take a bath or have shoes to wear?
What are other ways you could help people who lost things in a tidal wave or an earthquake?
Beatrice’s Goat by Page McBrier (Aladdin, 2004). Ages 4-8. The story of a family in Uganda that receives a goat from the Heifer Project.
We Are All Born Free: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Pictures by Amnesty International (Frances Lincoln Children’s Books, 2008). Ages 4-8. Describes the rights of all children using simple language and illustrations.
Children Just Like Me: A Unique Celebration of Children Around the World by Anabel and Barnabas Kindersley (DK Children, 1995). Ages 8-12. The authors traveled around the world talking to and photographing the children they met.
Cyberschoolbus, created by the UN, teaches children about international human rights and becoming global citizens.
Discover how Sara Holz and her Girl Scout Troop brought this project to life in their community!
Take it further
Older children ad adults can play the Against All Odds video game and learn first-hand the dangers and dilemmas faced by refugees.
Kits can be fun! Perhaps your family can invent new kits to make and donate, such as a dog treat kit, a make-my-older-neighbor-smile kit, a welcome-the-new-baby-down-the-block kit, or a help-my-older-brother-get-through-exams kit.
Church World Service also sponsors Crop Hunger Walks, each organized by the local community. You can donate, participate or organize a walk.
The CWS Best Gift catalog has ideas about donating to purchase animals, food, classes, wells and more for families in need.
Still looking? Here are creative ways to raise funds for causes like CWS.
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Our recommendations are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.