Make Sandwiches — Doing Good Together™

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Fight poverty: make sandwhiches for a shelter with your family. Project details from

Make Sandwiches

Help the hungry and have an immediate impact.

Homeless shelters appreciate having a supply of sandwiches on hand to give to their residents for lunch.

Possible recipients

A homeless shelter. Find one near you by putting the words “homeless shelter” and your city name in a Google search. Or find your nearest agency by using this directory. If 2-1-1, the human services hotline, is available in your area, it can also help you find homeless shelters.

What you’ll need

Most shelters want very basic sandwiches - meat and cheese on bread, no condiments. Your specific shelter may have additional guidelines, so be sure to call first.

  • Meat
  • Cheese
  • Bread
  • White sticker labels
  • Resealable bags
  • Marker or pen


  • Find a local shelter interested in your donation and check on any specific instructions. Arrange a delivery date and time.

  • Decorate labels with drawings or cheery messages. Attach a label to each re-closable bag.

  • Assemble sandwiches: one slice of meat and cheese between two slices of bread (or whatever the shelter specifies).

  • Place each sandwich in an individual bag.

  • Put bagged sandwiches back into the bread bags and label the bag with the kind of sandwiches and the date they were made.

  • Deliver the sandwiches. Maybe you’ll even get a tour.


  • How would you feel if you had to rely on a stranger to provide your lunch every day?

  • What is your favorite lunch food?

  • How does it feel when you are hungry and you have to wait to eat?

  • What are other ways to help those who are hungry?


  • Lily and the Paper Man by Rebecca Upjohn (Second Story Press, 2007). Ages 4-8. Lily becomes worried when she sees that the paper man is not properly dressed for the cold. Then she comes up with an idea.

  • Lives Turned Upside Down: Homeless Children in Their Own Words and Photographs by Jim Hubbard (Aladdin, 2007). Ages 8 and up. Children living in homeless shelters take photographs, tell their stories and share their dreams.

  • Or browse our collections of picture books and chapter books by clicking the images below.

Take it further

  • Gather several families and host a sandwich-making party! Have each person bring a needed item.
  • Ask the shelter if they would like you to make an entire sack lunch. You can decorate the paper lunch bags and include a piece of fruit, a small bag of chips and a small drink with the sandwich.

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