Turn story time into a family book club!
Making time and space to read together is the simplest, most effective way to nurture compassion.
A good book invites you to see the world from another point of view, which is key to strengthening your whole family's empathy muscles. You can deepen this impact by asking a question or two after each story. If you follow your children's lead and encourage them to think deeply - at every age - about the world in your story, a beautiful thing will happen.
You'll find almost any book will start a big-hearted, empathy-building conversation.
Some days, this may lead to a super-silly “what if” conversation. Other days, you may find yourself answering big questions about hunger or hurt or loneliness.
Encourage this reflection. Follow their lead. And enjoy these thoughtful, mindful family moments.
“Make it a habit to ask a question or two after every story time. If you follow your child’s lead and encourage them to think deeply - at every age - about the world in your story, a beautiful thing will happen. You’ll find almost any book will start a big-hearted, empathy-building conversation. ”
Conversation Starters

Discover creative ways to welcome reading into your family’s everyday life here.
Did you enjoy this book? Why or why not?
What challenge was the main character facing? How would you have reacted in that situation?
How did the main character(s) feel at key moments throughout the book? How would you have felt at each of those moments?
What do you think about how the main character faced the main conflict? What else could he or she have done?
Imagine how this story might be different if it were set in a different culture or time?
Do you know anyone in real life who reminds you of a character in this story? Who and in what way?
What would you change about this story if you were the author? Let's take a moment to imagine that story.
Does this story remind you of any other stories you've read? How are they the same? Which story did you enjoy more? Why?
Browse Doing Good Together's most recent favorites.
The creative collection of well-known quotations, as interpreted by ever-groovy Pete the Cat, is delightful for every reader.
Ages 4 and up.
Browse Doing Good Together's picture book collections.
Browse Doing Good Together's chapter book collections.
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Or check adopt your next big-hearted holiday tradition
with one of these projects.
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The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.