Feelings word searches to explore the nuances behind simple emotions.

Feelings Words Search

Explore nuanced emotions through simple puzzles.

Practice empathy by learning and using new feeling words with these fun word search puzzles.

"More than Happy" word search builds emotional awareness.

"More than Happy" word search builds emotional awareness.

What you’ll need

"Beyond Sad" word search builds emotional awareness.

"Beyond Sad" word search builds emotional awareness.


  • Select and print your puzzle.

  • Spend time discussing the meanings as your child hunts for each new word.

Reflection Questions

  • Describe a time when you have experienced the emotions in your puzzle.

  • How are the emotions in your puzzle different from one another?

  • Can you think of a time when you have felt embarrassed? What about guilty? Have you noticed these feelings in others?

  • Why does it matter what name we give our feelings?


Take it further

  • Practice using a variety of feelings words in your everyday conversations.

  • Pick a word of the day and use it whenever possible.

  • When you notice an emotion in your child, help them find unique words to describe exactly what they feel.

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The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.