Looking for the 2020 Festival of Giving?
It’s gone virtual! Join us on October 24th in celebration of “Make a Difference” day. Details here…
Join DGT™ in our celebration of kindness and generosity!
Our Festival of Giving is a one-of-a-kind event promoting kindness, service projects, and community collaboration
Check out the big-hearted impact we made by doing good together. Come back and visit us for more kindness and generosity next year! https://www.doinggoodtogether.org/dgt-events/festival-of-giving-2019
DGT's new one-of-a-kind community festival will bring together a wide range of Twin Cities families to celebrate kindness and generosity!
We are collaborating with a variety of local organizations to offer fun activities focused on “giving back.”
Rain or shine, join us at Nicollet Island Pavilion (an indoor venue) from noon to 4pm.
What a wonderful opportunity to put kindness into action! RSVP your attendance on the event tab of our DGT-Twin Cities Facebook page. Be sure to follow these hashtags on social media too: #FestivalOfGiving #DGTfestival #ShareKindness
Activities will include:
Plenty of free parking is available (see RED ARROWS.) Entrance is at the GREEN ARROW. Please avoid parking in the reserved (BLUE ARROW) lot and also avoid parking at Nicollet Island Inn, west of the Pavilion.
Hands-on service projects to make on the spot, similar to those offered in our DGT Family Service Fairs. Projects will benefit important causes including supporting new mothers, fostering literacy, building food security, welcoming new immigrant neighbors, and caring for animals and the environment
Giant cooperative kindness art installation
Fun kid-friendly activities including T-shirt printing with The Teehive, temporary "kindness tattoos," a photo booth, and a service dog "meet & greet."
Multicultural performances from COMPAS and Kalpulli Ketzal Coatlicue, Duniya Drum and Dance, and Tay Phuong Lions, along with instrument demos from MacPhail Center for Music
Clothesline of donated socks: If you can, please bring a pair of new socks (any size) to hang on our community Sock Line. All socks will be donated to Simpson Housing Service.
Displays of big-hearted resources and products
Festival food and drink (e.g. corn dogs, mini donuts, and lemonade) available for purchase
Tickets: $5 each or $20 maximum per family available online or at the door
Questions: Contact us by email.
As heard on WCCO AM Radio, Buzn, and JackFM:
Ready for our raffle?
Win one or more of these themed gift baskets at the festival!
Raffle tickets are just $5 each or buy five for $20. Winner need not be present to win.
Can’t attend our Festival? Kindly support DGT™ with a donation!
Visit our Donate page to make your donation, and we'll also add your name to our "World of Donors" Wall at the event.
Special thanks to our generous sponsors!
We're excited about this event, and we hope you are too. Be sure to visit our Facebook event page where you can RSVP "Interested" now, and encourage Facebook Friends to attend too. Better yet, please print and share this flyer with family and friends.