April 2017 - Silicon Valley
Beautiful Day 2017
Beautiful Day
Date/Time: Wednesday, March 29, Friday, April 1, and Saturday, April 2; times vary by project
Location: Varies by project
Since its inception in 2004, Beautiful Day has sought to invest in communities with simple, direct and unyielding kindness. Each project is an act of no-strings-attached service for those who are otherwise unable to help themselves. Our goal is to aggressively spread compassion, to discard apathy in favor of activity and light fires of good will in the neighborhoods we work and live in. Nine service projects will take place at multiple local organizations from San Martin to San Jose! Childcare is available at Westgate Church for children 6 weeks to 6 years old. Details for childcare are listed here: http://beautifulday.org/childcare/
Ages: Sunnyvale Park and Overfelt High School projects are available for ages 5 and older. All other projects listed are for ages 13 and older. At this time there is not a way to sign those children up on the website, so please just bring them with you to the site on the day of the project with a minor waiver.
Time Commitment: Most shifts are approximately four hours
Parkinson's Battle of the Bay 2017
Parkinson's Institute and Clinical Center
Date/Time: Saturday, April 8, 8:30am - 4pm
Location: Baylands Park, 999 East Caribbean Dr., Sunnyvale
Volunteers are needed for help with registration, sports referees, photo booth, walk route monitors/cheerleaders, water monitors, booth monitors, set up/tear down, refreshments, rest area monitors and start/finish line cheerleaders! All volunteers receive an event t-shirt.
Ages: Volunteer positions available for all ages.
Time Commitment: Varies by volunteer position
Contact: Nick Mourlam, Manager of Sponsorships & Special Events, NMourlam@ParkinsonsInstitute.org or 408.542.5637. Click to register as a volunteer or as a participant.
Great American Litter Pick Up 2017
City of San Jose
Date/Time: Saturday, April 22, 8:30 -11:30am
Location: Various locations throughout San Jose
Celebrate Earth Day by doing your part in keeping San Jose clean and green. Each District in San Jose is hosting its own event - please visit the websites below or contact your local District office for more details!
The following districts have event sign ups online or by phone: District One Event: Hamann Park Community Room, 2747 Westfield Ave. District Two Event: Santa Teresa High School, Oak Grove High School and Great Oaks Park District Three Event: 438 Coleman Ave. District Six Event: To sign up for this event at Willow Glen Community Center, 2175 Lincoln Avenue, call 408.535.4906 District Seven Event: Seven Trees Community Center, 3590 Cas Drive District Nine Event: Three Locations: Doerr Park, Butcher Park, Paul Moore Park District Ten Event: Pioneer High School, 1290 Blossom Hill Rd. - Meet at back school parking lot; Vista Park, 465 Hyde Park Dr.; Comanche Park, Shawnee Ln. & Comanche Dr.
Ages: All ages are welcome
Time Commitment: Three hours
Contact: Bernie Rosales, bernie.rosales@sanjoseca.gov, 408.535.4903
Relay For Life Events April 2017
American Cancer Society
Family volunteer opportunities at local Relay for Life events can include, but are not limited to: Luminaria set up, trash pick up, track signs & general signage, set up/tear down, registration, and staffing the Fight Back Tent. Families are also welcome and encouraged to sign up to participate in the Relay For Life. If you are interested in walking as a family or with a team check out your local Relay For Life event sign up page. The following Relay for Life events are happening in April:
Cambrian Relay For Life Date/Time: Friday and Saturday, April 28 - 29, 6pm - 6pm
Location: Dartmouth Middle School, 5575 Dartmouth Drive, San Jose
Contact: Evan Frazer, Event Manager, evan.frazer@cancer.org, 408.688.0104
Santa Clara University Relay For Life
Date/Time: Saturday and Sunday, April 22 -23, 1pm - 9am
Location: Santa Clara University Campus, 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara
Contact: Lauren Salciccia, Event Manager, lauren.salciccia@cancer.org, 408.688.0104
Santa Clara Relay For Life
Date/Time: Saturday and Sunday, April 29 - 30, 10am - 10am
Location: Townsend Field, 1111 Bellomy St, Santa Clara
Contact: Kate Atterbury, Event Manager, kate.atterbury@cancer.org, 510.464.8136 www.relayforlife.org/santaclaraca
Ages: All ages are welcome
Time Commitment: Varies depending on volunteer role
Contact: Contact Event Managers listed above to sign up or ask questions
Shady Oaks Park Clean Up
Sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Bernal Ward and the San Jose Department of Parks and Recreation
Date/Time: Saturday, April 29, 9am - noon
Location: Shady Oaks Park, 948 Coyote Rd., San Jose
Volunteers are needed for tree trimming, weeding, litter pick-up, spreading bark and other general cleanup. Lunch will follow.
Ages: All ages are welcome
Time Commitment: Three hours
Contact: Bille Grandy, momgrandy@gmail.com, 408.390.0788. To register visit the event sign up page
Weekly Dinner Servers
Family Supportive Housing
Date/Time: Ongoing Mondays or Wednesdays from 4:30 - 6:30pm. Dinner is served from 5 to 6:30pm
Location: 692 North King Rd., San Jose
Family Supportive Housing helps homeless single- and two-parent families with children remain intact, while addressing their needs for food, shelter, employment and education. We offer families a respite, an opportunity to make life-altering changes, and a system to aid in finding permanent housing. Volunteers are responsible for setting up and serving dinner to our resident families. Without our volunteer dinner servers, residents would be required to serve the families as a chore. Thank you for allowing a resident to sit and enjoy dinner with his/her family and for your commitment to our vision of empowering homeless families.
Ages: Ages 12 and up with an adult present. Ages 16 and up without adult present.
Time Commitment: Once a week for three months
Contact: Sara Tran, 408.926.8885, volunteer@familysupportivehousing.org
No Sew Blankets for Children in Need
Project Linus
Date/Time: Flexible
Location: Schedule a time to bring completed blanket(s) to one of the following Project Linus volunteers:
- Sharon Lee (Cupertino) - sjlinus@comcast.net
- Barbara Ross (Rose Garden) - sjlinus@gmail.com
- Mary Kelly (Willow Glen) - mary@gofigureinc.com
- Deb Bragen (South San Jose) - bragen@sbcglobal.net
Project Linus provides homemade blankets to children in need. Our blankets are lovingly made by adults and children from all walks of life and many different sources. Volunteer blanket makers help provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans. You and your family can make easy, warm, cozy, no sew blankets to donate to children in need. Click here for blanket making instructions. Though most 'blanketeers' choose to work on their own, some organizations have hosted their own "Make A Blanket Day"' for their group. It can be a fun team-building event and Project Linus can help you with planning and preparation.
Ages: Everyone is welcome to participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Family Volunteering Opportunities with SCS
Sunnyvale Community Services
Date/Time: Flexible
Location: 725 Kifer Rd., Sunnyvale
Sunnyvale Community Services works to prevent homelessness and hunger by providing emergency services to our neighbors in need. Exposing children to the concept of giving back is very important to many families and to SCS. We encourage and appreciate the following family activities, which are very helpful to SCS and can stimulate great conversation and discovery for you and your children. See our wish list page for specific donation needs. Feel free to bring your children with you when you donate items to SCS.
- Monthly family shopping trips to purchase items specifically for donation to SCS.
- Establish a relationship with a local retailer to pickup damaged food, cleaning products, toilet paper, or other staple household items on a regular basis.
- Collect hotel/motel toiletries while traveling or on vacation. We distribute hygiene kits of toothpaste, shampoo, soaps, lotions, and disposable razors to low-income and homeless clients.
- Buy new books for low-income children. Feel free to wrap them and include a personal note (first names only please).
- Buy new socks and/or gloves for the homeless. Feel free to wrap them and include a personal note (first names only please).
Ages: Everyone can participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Contact: SCS Volunteer Manager, 408.738.4321 ext. 211, volunteer@svcommunityservices.org
Mentors for Newly Arrived Families and Individuals
At Home Humanitarian
Date/Time: Ongoing
Location: All throughout the Bay Area, currently mentors are most needed in Sacramento.
Volunteers are matched with newly-arrived individuals and families to help answer any questions relating to American culture, customs, processes, laws, or community resources that would help their match feel more connected. Mentors help find solutions to needs such as finding a job, preparing for college, filing for FAFSA, fixing a car, or passing a driver's test; and provide opportunities to get out, explore surroundings, make new friends, learn a new skill or hobby, and connect to others within their communities.
Ages: Families with an adult 18 or older are welcome to volunteer.
Time Commitment: Eight to ten hours a month.
Contact: katherine@athomehumanitarian.org. Click here for volunteer application
Help with Flood Relief in San Jose
In February 2017, during one of the wettest winters in decades, several San Jose neighborhoods experienced severe flooding that has forced thousands of residents and businesses to evacuate their homes and caused significant damage to public and private property throughout the city. The most severe flooding has taken place in neighborhoods along Coyote Creek, which includes a number of low-income communities and mobile home parks that were submerged when Anderson Reservoir reached its capacity and began spilling into the creek. You and your family can help with flood relief efforts by raising money for the San Jose Flood Victims Relief Fund. This fund will support nonprofit organizations providing immediate and long-term relief and recovery assistance to flood victims in San Jose. Visit the Doing Good Together Fun Fundraiser project page for ideas on how you can raise money as a family. While it will take some time to fully assess the damage caused by this emergency, we know that many families will require assistance in the weeks and months ahead. Your donation to the San Jose Flood Victims Relief Fund will help provide relief to those most in need. Below are just a few of the organizations that will benefit from this relief fund in order to help those who need it most:
- American Red Cross
- Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County
- Sacred Heart Community Service
- The Salvation Army
Quick Acts of Kindness
Doing Good Together
Date/Time: Flexible, quick ways to add kindness to daily family life
Ages: Everyone can participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Contact: mail@doinggoodtogether.org
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This list was compiled by Doing Good Together™ (www.doinggoodtogether.org)
When calling to volunteer for any of the opportunities listed above, please let the coordinator know you found it through this listing. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have of the sponsoring organization before committing to a project. Disclaimer: This list is provided as a service to families. Inclusion of organizations in this listing does not imply affiliation, endorsement or quality assurance on the part of Doing Good Together.™ Doing Good Together™ bears no responsibility whatsoever for the activities and actions of the listed organizations.
© 2016 Doing Good Together™