
January 2017 - Boston
Martin Luther King Day of Service
Boston Cares
Date/Time: Monday, January 16, 10am - 1pm. Kick off is at 10am sharp
Location: Boston Latin School, 78 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston. (T-Accessible, Green Line- E Train at Longwood Medical Area)
For MLK Day 2017, Boston Cares has created opportunities for 750 volunteers to support Boston youth through STEM education tools and beds for kids in need. 650 MLK Day volunteers will create "make your own robot kits", engineering kits, science-themed murals, math games and math flash cards for Boston Public Schools, providing classrooms with exciting tools for learning. Additionally, 100 volunteers will join us in launching our new twin bed design, for children who do not have a bed of their own. Volunteers will select a STEM tool activity station based on age and interest. There is a project for all ages! Completed STEM tools will be distributed to Boston Public Schools, and beds will be distributed to agency partners serving low-income and homeless families in our community.
Ages: Children as young as five and their families are welcome to attend.
Time Commitment: Three hours
The 7th Annual Cambridge MLK Day of Service
Many Helping Hands 365
Date/Time: Monday, January 16, 2 - 5 pm
Location: Central Square, Cambridge City Hall, Senior Center, YWCA, and St. Peter's Episcopal Church Come spend an afternoon making a difference in the lives of others. In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., lend your hands and come work with your children, friends and neighbors for hands-on service projects that will touch the lives of thousands of people in need. Projects include:
- Making fleece scarves and blankets for homeless children and adults.
- Making Valentines for elders and veterans.
- Sorting food, winter clothing, books and toiletries for people in need and more.
Don't come empty handed! Bring a can of food, a children's book or a gently used item of winter clothing.
Ages: All ages can participate. Children should be accompanied by an adult.
Time Commitment: Flexible, up to three hours
Operation Sock Drop
Friends of Boston's Homeless
Date/Time: Anytime (we need socks all year round)
Location: Anywhere (at your school, place of worship, club, or with friends, family, and neighbors) Fresh, clean socks (and underwear!) are vital for people's health, warmth, comfort, and dignity and are the least donated items to people in the greatest need. The shelters we support give out over 8,000 pairs of socks each year. By participating in Operation Sock Drop you not only help keep our community's neediest, most vulnerable citizens safe, warm, and healthy, but you'll them help maintain their dignity and comfort during this most difficult time in their lives. Friends of Boston's Homeless supports the Woods Mullen Women's Shelter and the 112 Southampton Men's Shelter in the South End. These shelters serve over 800 homeless individuals every day. To get started, just download this flyer and share it with everyone you'd like to participate.
Ages: Everyone is welcome to participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Contact: Mariann Bucina Roca, mariannbucina@fobh.org www.fobh.org
Learn more about
helping the homeless
Make Housewarming Baskets for Newly Housed People
Friends of Boston's Homeless
Date/Time: Anytime (we're helping 150 people a year move beyond homelessness into their own safe, dignified housing)
Location: Anywhere (at your school, place of worship, club, or even with friends, family, and neighbors)
You and your family can help people who've spent years living on our streets and in shelters feel warmth and excitement as they move into their new place and get started on their new lives by providing the essential items we all need to make our house a home. By assembling and donating Housewarming Baskets, you'll be an important part of welcoming people into their new homes where they'll find the stability and serenity they need to begin their journey to hopeful, peaceful futures. It's as simple as assembling new (not used) items like cleaning supplies, dish soap, laundry detergent, toilet paper, a set of sheets or towels, in a basket to be given as a housewarming gift to someone about to move into a place of their own- many for the first time in their lives. And please include a welcome note, it means a lot to the person who receives it.
Ages: Everyone is welcome to participate Time Commitment: Varies Contact: Mariann Bucina Roca, mariannbucina@fobh.org www.fobh.org |
Family Table Distribution
Jewish Family & Children's Service
Date/Time: Sunday, January 8 or Sunday, February 5; 9am - 1:30pm
Location: 1430 Main Street, Waltham Family Table provides healthy food on a monthly and emergency basis to individuals and families in need. Their mission is to offer food in a way that meets nutritional and spiritual needs. Family Table serves more than 100 towns across Greater Boston, the North Shore, and the South Area. Currently, Family Table is helping more than 450 families each month with groceries and connections to other services. Volunteers are needed to help with the following tasks:
- Setting up the pantry
- Packaging and delivering food orders to recipient families
Ages: All ages are welcome and encouraged to volunteer when accompanied by an adult.
Time Commitment: One to four hours depending on the activity.
Donation Sorting and Kitchen Help
Daily Table
Date/Time: Monday - Saturday, 9am to 8pm; Sunday, 11am-6pm
Location: 450 Washington St., Dorchester
The Daily Table is a not-for-profit retail store that offers a variety of tasty, convenient, and affordable foods. The store offers both "grab-n-go" ready to eat meals, and a selection of produce, bread, dairy and grocery items at prices designed to fit every budget. Daily Table receives donations of surplus produce that must be sorted and organized for quality assurance. Volunteers are needed to sort through donations and triage produce for use in the commissary kitchen, for sale on the floor, and for composting. Volunteers may also help in the kitchen with food preparation, packaging, and labeling, or preparing and distributing samples in our engagement zone. Plan to be busy and on your feet! By volunteering, you and your family will be helping to address the wastefulness of our food system, and actively contributing to increasing food security and improving diets in Boston.
Ages: Youth 14 and up with parental supervision; 16 and up may volunteer independently.
Time Commitment: Three hours (or more if you'd like!)
DIY Kindness Journal
Doing Good Together
Date/Time: This is a great project to begin in the New Year, but you can start anytime.
Location: Your home
Keeping a compassion-themed journal is a wonderful way to build kindness into busy weeks and shine a spotlight on acts of kindness. Plus, you'll have a place to record family volunteering memories! Decorate a composition notebook with duct tape. Scatter compassion-themed prompts and quotes throughout it. Then make time periodically to discuss, draw, and write about those kindness prompts as a family. Visit the Doing Good Together DIY Kindness Journal page to find printable Family Service Memory Sheets, Kindness Journal Prompts, and ideas for keeping your kindness journal.
Ages: Everyone in the family can participate
Time Commitment: We suggest scheduling at least fifteen to thirty minutes each week to discuss the journal prompts and write or draw together.
New Year's Resolution Idea: Join Our Membership Circle for just $24.99!
Whether you're new to family volunteering and want to stay focused on your service goals, or you've gotten started but want expert help on how to expand your family's kindness practice, DGT's Big-Hearted Families™ Membership Circle is a great way to make 2017 a year of kindness and service! Learn more today, and sign up any time throughout the year. |
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This list was compiled by Doing Good Together™ (www.doinggoodtogether.org)
When calling to volunteer for any of the opportunities listed above, please let the coordinator know you found it through this listing. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have of the sponsoring organization before committing to a project. Disclaimer: This list is provided as a service to families. Inclusion of organizations in this listing does not imply affiliation, endorsement or quality assurance on the part of Doing Good Together.™ Doing Good Together™ bears no responsibility whatsoever for the activities and actions of the listed organizations.
© 2016 Doing Good Together™