June 2017 - Silicon Valley
Donation Sorting at EPA Shop
Date/Time: First Saturday of the month, 9am - noon
Location: 900A Willow Rd., Menlo Park
EPAMade is a social enterprise that employs and trains single mothers from East Palo Alto to gain job and life skills needed for sustainable employment. We help empower single mothers through employment and job coaching. EPAMade is a social enterprise under LevMade, Inc., a tax exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit that incubates and launches social businesses to level the economic playing field. On the first Saturday of each month we need volunteers help sort donations at our thrift shop.
Ages: Families with children ages ten and older are welcome to volunteer Time Commitment: Three hours
Kidney Walk Silicon Valley
National Kidney Foundation
Date/Time: Sunday, June 4, 6am - noon
Location: Cityview Plaza, 115 South Market Street, San Jose
The National Kidney Foundation is the leading organization in the U.S. dedicated to the awareness, prevention and treatment of kidney disease for hundreds of thousands of healthcare professionals, millions of patients and their families, and tens of millions of Americans at risk. Volunteers are needed to help with set up, clean up, booth hosting and walk route volunteers.
Ages: All ages are welcome to volunteer. There is a signed waiver required for minors that will be available at the event.
Time Commitment: Varies depending on shift
Contact: Robyn Hayden, robyn.hayden@kidney.org, 415.543.3303. Contact Robyn if you're interested in volunteering. Click here to register as a walk participant.
Volunteer at Palo Alto World Music Day
Palo Alto Recreation Foundation
Date/Time: Sunday, June 18, 3 - 7:30pm
Location: University Ave., Palo Alto (University Avenue will be closed to traffic)
Palo Alto World Music Day is a music festival that takes place every year on Father's Day. All performances are FREE and open to the public. Fifty professional and amateur musical groups will perform a variety of genres on street corners and plazas: jazz, blues, classical, pop, rock, klezmer, Greek, Balkan, Indian, World Music, choral, dance, etc. This is a fun and unique family event not to be missed. The following volunteers are needed: - Musician Coordinators: Welcome musicians and direct them to their assigned locations. Keep an eye on public safety. Distribute programs. Occasionally poll the public on the event.
- Volunteer Coordinators: Stay at official event table on Lytton Plaza. Check volunteers in and out. Direct them to their assigned locations. Operate as communications center. Distribute programs. Respond to questions from the public and musicians.
- Program Distributors: Distribute programs for the event to the public downtown.
Ages: Ages seven and up, varies by position
Time Commitment: One and one-half hours
Knitting to Make a Difference
Sunny View Retirement Community
Date/Time: Flexible
Location: 22445 Cupertino Road, Cupertino
Do you have knitting experience from beginner to advanced or have you ever wanted to learn to knit? Sunny View Retirement Community is joining the nonprofit organization Knitting to Make a Difference, and we would like to form an intergenerational knitting circle that creates scarves, hats, mittens and even blankets to be distributed to the homeless throughout the Bay Area. If you already have needles please bring them. We will also help supply the knitting materials to those that are getting started. All supplies and materials are donated.
Ages: Families with children of all ages are welcome to volunteer
Time Commitment: Meeting times vary. Contact Julia for more information.
Dinner Is Served Program
JW House
Date/Time: Varies
Location: 850 Homestead Road, Santa Clara
Located on the campus of Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Medical Center, JW House provides a warm, comfortable home away from home for families facing medical crises. Families and individuals whose loved ones are in area hospitals are welcomed into the JW House for rest and self-care during the day or overnight. Dinner is Served is one of the most popular volunteer opportunities at JW House. After a long day at the hospital, our guests look forward to coming "home" to find that someone has planned, purchased the ingredients, and prepared a delicious meal just for them. Volunteers who participate in the Dinner is Served program soon discover that their efforts go far beyond simply supplying a dinner. As families gather for dinner, a warm sense of community exists. It is a place where families can relax with one another and check in on how each other's loved one is doing. Thank you for making a difference for these families.
Ages: All ages are welcome to volunteer. Minors need to be supervised by an adult. Groups, businesses and individual families are ALL welcome to participate.
Time Commitment: Two and one-half to three hours
Contact: April Bignell, volunteer@jwhouse.org, 408.246.2224. The sign up calendar shows available dates in red. Please click on a red date, then on "Click here to submit your information." Then complete the form to request that date. Someone from our office will contact you soon to confirm the date you request. www.jwhouse.org
Volunteers for Food Pantry and Clothes Closet
Sacred Heart Community Services
Date/Time: Flexible, however you must schedule your volunteer shift ahead of time. SHCS cannot take walk in volunteers.
Location: 1381 South First St., San Jose Sacred Heart Community Service is dedicated to bringing our community together to address poverty in Silicon Valley. Through a comprehensive array of resources, services, and community involvement initiatives, SHCS is making a real impact in the lives of working poor families. Our vision is a community united to ensure that every child and adult is free from poverty. Volunteers are needed to help in our warehouse. This entails lifting (25lbs.), bending, and standing for long periods of time. If you would like to become a volunteer, please follow the following steps: - Register to become a new volunteer by completing the volunteer application online. Once you have submitted your application, you will receive an email from us with your personal user ID and password. Allow up to two business days for your application to be processed and to receive your user ID and password. All minors need to have the Parental Permission Form completed before volunteering.
- After registering to become a new volunteer you MUST SCHEDULE to attend one of our upcoming volunteer orientations. The information for orientations will be sent to you once you have submitted your application.
- Once you have attended the volunteer orientation you are able to volunteer!
Ages: Families with children ages nine and older are welcome to volunteer
Time Commitment: Varies by shift
Contact: Sergio Gonzalez, volunteers@sacredheartcs.org, 408.278.2171. If you have any questions about becoming a volunteer or encounter any difficulties in the sign-up process please email volunteers@sacredheartcs.org. www.sacredheartcs.org
Relay For Life Events June 2017
American Cancer Society
Family volunteer opportunities at local Relay for Life events can include, but are not limited to: Luminaria set up, trash pick up, track signs & general signage, set up/tear down, registration, and staffing the Fight Back Tent. Families are also welcome and encouraged to sign up to participate in the Relay For Life. If you are interested in walking as a family or with a team check out your local Relay For Life event sign up page. The following Relay for Life events are happening in June:
Scotts Valley Relay For Life
Date/Time: Saturday and Sunday, June 3-4, 10am - 10am Location: Sky Park, 361 Kings Village Rd, Scotts Valley Contact: Kristi Cole, kristi.cole@cancer.org, 408.688.0089 www.relayforlife.org/scottsvalley
Silicon Valley North Relay For Life
Date/Time: Saturday and Sunday, June 10-11, 10am - 10am Location: Cuesta Park, 265 Cuesta Drive, Mountain View Contact: Alicia Ruiz, alicia.ruiz@cancer.org, 408.688.0114 www.relayforlife.org/sunnyvaleca
Gilroy Relay For Life
Date/Time: Saturday and Sunday, June 24-25, 10am - 10am Location: Christmas Hill Park Ranch Site, 5049 Miller, Gilroy Contact: Nick Pauliukonis, nicholas.pauliukonis@cancer.org, 408.688.0088 www.relayforlife.org/gilroyca
Assist Seniors During Activity Time or Share your Talents
White Blossom Care Center - Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation
Date/Time: Ongoing
Location: 1990 Fruitdale Avenue, San Jose
Volunteers are needed to help staff during activity time. You can assist individual seniors or the whole group. You can also share any talents or skills you may have to educate, entertain or empower the seniors. White Blossom Care Center is a skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility that strives to serve the greatest generation. The White Blossom Care Center healthcare professionals strive to help patients reach their maximum potential in a caring and supportive environment.
Ages: All ages are welcome; good cheer and any talents to share are helpful!
Time Commitment: Varies
Contact: Pele, info@whiteblossomcarecenter.com, 408.998.8447. A Volunteer Application and brief orientation is required before starting. www.whiteblossomcarecenter.com
Neighborhood Clean Up
Downtown Streets Team San Jose
Date/Time: Three Saturday mornings each month, 9am to noon.
- First Saturday, Santee Neighborhood
- Second Saturday, McKinley Neighborhood
- Third Saturday: Mayfair Neighborhood
- Santee: Santee Community Center, 1535 Santee Drive, San Jose
- McKinley: McKinley Community Center, 651 Macredes Avenue, San Jose
- Mayfair: Mayfair Community Center, 2039 Kammerer Avenue, San Jose
Beautify San Jose's most blighted neighborhoods with homeless Downtown Streets Team Members who are working hard to get housing and employment. The mission of Downtown Streets Team is to eradicate homelessness by empowering homeless individuals to be part of the solution to homelessness. Join your community by beautifying the Santee, McKinley or Mayfair neighborhoods with Downtown Streets Team Members. Not only will you be beautifying one of the most blighted neighborhoods in San Jose, fostering a safe place for people to live and play, you will be volunteering side-by-side with people who are volunteering their way out of homelessness. Feel free to ask them questions and get a new perspective on what it's like to be homeless and living on a low income in Santa Clara County. What to wear and bring:- Please wear covered shoes, pants, long sleeves and work gloves.
- Wear sunscreen and bring water to stay hydrated.
- For safety reasons please do not wear these items: no red or blue, no logos on hats/shirts and no numbers. Blue jeans are okay.
- All that's left to bring is your "Can-do" attitude and we'll be on our way to making our neighborhoods safer and more beautiful places.
Ages: Youth under 18 are welcome to volunteer with a parent or guardian.
Time Commitment: Two and one-half hours
Create DIY Kindness Kits for Gratitude on the Go
Doing Good Together
Date/Time: Flexible
Location: Your home and community
Anytime is a good time to express your gratitude to other people. Keep your car stocked with a DIY Kindness Kit and be ready to create thank you notes at any time. Fill your kit with:
- Candy (melt-resistant works best in the summer)
- Blank cards
- Stickers
- Colorful pens and markers
Read more about Gratitude on the Go and other Kindness Practices on the Doing Good Together website.
Ages: Everyone can participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Let your summer family gathering, school reunion, or community event be a chance for big-hearted giving. Our DGT Family Service Fairs are an are an ideal way for families to have fun while connecting with local nonprofits to help others in their community. And, our DIY Family Service Fair Manual makes them easy to host!
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This list was compiled by Doing Good Together™ (www.doinggoodtogether.org)
When calling to volunteer for any of the opportunities listed above, please let the coordinator know you found it through this listing. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have of the sponsoring organization before committing to a project. Disclaimer: This list is provided as a service to families. Inclusion of organizations in this listing does not imply affiliation, endorsement or quality assurance on the part of Doing Good Together.™ Doing Good Together™ bears no responsibility whatsoever for the activities and actions of the listed organizations.
© 2016 Doing Good Together™