25 Days of Values: A Challenge for Big-Hearted Families

25 Days of Values: A Challenge for Big-Hearted Families

Use this values challenge to honor a religious tradition or kick off the new year!

For 25 days, be intentional about sharing your values with the kid(s) in your life using this unique challenge. We here at DGT hope this list serves as a jumping off point for you. Feel free to modify them and come up with your personal list.

Activities include:

  • A list of 25 traits, one to focus on for each day of the challenge

  • Book recommendations for each trait for your family to read together

  • Video recommendations for each trait to help fuel understanding

  • 25 actions for each trait that your family can do together to demonstrate and better understand values

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The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.