Choose & Print a Themed Week-by-Week Challenge

Choose & Print a Themed Week-by-Week Challenge

Add it to your calendar!

These unique challenges are designed to help your family develop a weekly routine of service. with one of the three challenge themes below.

  • CLICK the images below to print your favorite challenge.

  • READ the recommended book, available at a nearby library or on Amazon with the links below.

  • COMMIT a half-hour to an hour each week to complete your activity. Make it part of your regular weekly routine.

  • CELEBRATE your completed challenge with a favorite family treat or outing! Don't forget to discuss the impact your simple acts of kindness have had on the world.

Practice mindfulness and be a peacemaker. Wendy Anderson Halperin's book Peace is full of quotes and images perfect for engaging your family in conversations about peace, justice, and mutual respect.

Nurture a spirit of giving, beginning with the book The Money Tree by Sarah Stewart This book, about a boy who wants to fit in by owning a pair of trendy shoes, contains a powerful lesson about differentiating between wants and needs.

Learn to build a stronger, more beautiful community beginning with the book Something Beautiful by Sharon Dennis Wyeth. This incredible story will inspire your family to consider where you can find - and how you can create - true beauty.

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The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.