Letter from DGT’s New Executive Director, MiaLisa Millares

Dear Friends, Champions, and Supporters,

As we start the new year, we at Doing Good Together want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support. Your generosity and dedication have allowed us to make incredible strides in promoting kindness and empathy. Together, we have accomplished so much this year. 

One of our crowning achievements has been the successful organization of 15 Family Service Fairs (eight in Miami). These events brought together families and individuals from various walks of life, all united by a shared desire to serve their communities. Each fair proved to be an opportunity to share compassion, empathy, and actionable kindness, and children and adults alike learned the joy of giving. Through creative, hands-on projects, we were able to aid numerous charities and foster a spirit of community service in our youngest participants.

In our quest to promote empathy and kindness, we also made significant strides in enhancing our Membership platform. Our members are the heart of Doing Good Together, and we believe in reciprocating their unwavering support. This year, we added exciting new perks to your membership, including an exclusive monthly printable. These printables are filled with engaging activities and thought-provoking resources designed to further cultivate a spirit of service. This enhancement to our services is our way of saying thank you for your continued support and belief in our mission.

We've also dedicated countless hours to creating a brand-new year of Lessons for the DGT Classroom geared toward teachers and homeschool lessons for families learning at home. These lessons, imbued with our core values, offer practical, hands-on experiences, inspiring students to take action. Each lesson is an invitation to learn, grow, and, most importantly, share kindness.  

This past year has also seen us extend our reach, connecting with several esteemed businesses to create valuable resources that cater not only to families here in the United States, but globally as well. These partnerships have allowed us to widen our circle of influence and bring our mission of kindness and empathy to more homes around the world. One standout achievement we're particularly proud of is the joint creation of a workbook with Global Peace Women. This comprehensive guide, now being utilized by trainers globally, offers a blueprint for Family Chats and compassion worldwide.

As we reflect on the past year's achievements, we cannot overlook the critical role you have played in our success. We are profoundly grateful for your unwavering faith in our work and your continued support for Doing Good Together. Your belief in the power of kindness and empathy has fueled our work, inspiring us to reach farther, aim higher, and touch more lives. Without your support, none of this would have been possible. So, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you. Thank you for standing with us, for sharing our vision, and for proving that kindness can indeed change the world. As we forge ahead, we look forward to continuing this journey with you, further broadening our horizons and deepening our impact. It is truly a privilege to have you as part of our Doing Good Together family.

With gratitude,

MiaLisa Millares