Enhance family dinner conversation, encourage inter-generational connections, and tap into your family’s creativity with these thoughtful tools.
Click on the images below to browse our favorite big-hearted books.
This craft kit will make it easy for a group of 12 to think creatively about sharing kindness.
Ages 3 and up.
Go offline with your family and create fun, meaningful connections with a game designed to build connections.
Ages 10 and up.
Explore different mindfulness tools to cope with the broad spectrum of emotions that we all encounter day by day.
Ages 10 and up.
This card deck helps parents, caregivers, and teachers cultivate mindfulness at home or in school.
All ages.
These conversation cards creat3 an opportunity to share thoughts, opinions, desires and dreams. Perfect for mealtimes, bedtime, or in the car.
Ages 6 and up.
You care deeply about raising compassionate, engaged kids, and we’re here to help! Our DGT Family membership will make it easier to live kind and nurture big-hearted traditions even on busy weeks.
With your membership, you’ll gain access to many DGT kindness kits and ebooks, including our welcome kit, anti-racist toolkit, anti-bullying projects, family book club printable conversation cards, explore nature activities, and more!
All ages
Help us connect big-hearted families with products that inspire compassion and grow kindness.
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The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.
Engage your family with more than a dozen games and activities, perfect for encouraging introspection and big conversations.
Ages 8 and up.
Click here!