DGT™ Family Volunteer Coordinators
Along with a small staff based in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis-St. Paul, Doing Good Together™ relies on dedicated volunteers throughout the U.S. who work as our Family Volunteer Coordinators. These volunteers gather information on family-friendly volunteer opportunities in their specific U.S. cities. Want to have your city included? Contact us to learn more about becoming a DGT™ Family Volunteer Coordinator for your city.
Volunteer for Doing Good Together!
Contact us to become a coordinator in Baltimore, Seattle, or St. Louis.
Diane Hopkins - DGT™ Volunteer Listings Coordinator - Boston
New York
Natalie Silverstein, MPH - DGT™ Volunteer Listings Coordinator - New York City
DGT™ Listing Coordinators volunteers are needed to do the following:
Research nonprofits in their metro area
Contact identified nonprofits, either by email and/or phone, to find out about potential family-friendly volunteer opportunities
Identify 5-10 different family-friendly volunteer opportunities each month
Write up the opportunities for the city monthly listing
DGT staff will help you with the steps you can take to find those opportunities, answer your questions, and provide materials to help you find family-friendly volunteer opportunities in your community.
Time Commitment: Five to ten hours per month. One-year commitment preferred.
Contact: laurie@doinggoodtogether.org