
December 2018 - Boston
JF&CS Family Table Distribution
Jewish Family and Children's Service
Date/Time: Sunday, December 9 or Sunday, January 13, between two to three hours
- 9am: If interested, participate in setting up for the food distribution. (This is for returning volunteers only).
- 10:15-11:45am: Receive your assignment and pack and deliver groceries. You may arrive anytime during this time frame.
First time volunteers should plan on arriving at 10:15am to attend a 30-minute introductory session and orientation
Location: 1430 Main Street, Waltham Family Table provides healthy food on a monthly and emergency basis to individuals and families in need. Their mission is to end hunger in the Greater Boston Jewish community while serving people who need assistance, regardless of religious affiliation. Family Table fulfills its mission by providing Kosher food, creating a caring Jewish connection, and empowering people to make healthy eating a part of their daily lives. Family Table serves more than 100 towns across Greater Boston, the North Shore, and the South Area. Currently, Family Table is helping more than 500 families each month with groceries and connections to other services. Volunteers are needed to help with packaging and delivering food orders to recipient families. Packing will take approximately 30 - 45 minutes. Your delivery location will not be more than 30 minutes from your hometown but not in your hometown for confidentiality reasons. The clients know that you are just dropping off the food and not visiting.
Ages: All ages are welcome and encouraged to volunteer when accompanied by an adult.
Time Commitment: Two to three hours depending on the activity.
Holiday Gift Drive
Project Hope
Date/Time: Gift drive drop-off is December 10 through 12, 9am - 4pm
Location: Community Building, 550 Dudley Street, Roxbury Project Hope is a multi-service agency at the forefront of efforts in Boston to move families up and out of poverty. Every parent wants to provide gifts for their children. Help Project Hope provide wonderful holiday memories for children in need! Please deliver your gifts to us unwrapped so the parents can participate in holiday giving by wrapping them. You are also welcome to provide wrapping paper and ribbon for the families. Holiday Gift Wish List:- Gift Cards (Target, Marshalls, Old Navy, Best Buy & Stop n' Shop are preferred)
- Books & Games
- Toys
- Art Supplies
- Sports Equipment
- Scarves, Hats & Gloves
Ages: Everyone is welcome to participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Making Lunch for the Ladies
On The Rise, Inc
Date/Time: Flexible, meals are needed six days a week. Check the calendar on Meal Train for available dates. The first half of 2019 lunch dates are now available for sign-up. Meals should be dropped off between 8-11am; prior day delivery can be arranged if needed.
Location: 341 Broadway, Cambridge For the homeless women at On The Rise, a healthy and hearty meal enjoyed in a safe home is invaluable. They rely on the kind hearts and culinary talents of volunteers to cook a meal in their kitchen and deliver the meal to On the Rise. This volunteer opportunity fills one of their greatest needs by being able to offer a healthy and hearty meal to a woman who otherwise would not have many options. Don't shy away from this opportunity even if you don't consider yourself a cook; store bought and pre-made items are also welcome. As the women are as diverse as their palates, you choose what you would like to make; it is sure to be appreciated and enjoyed! Shopping, preparing and cooking these meals is a wonderful opportunity to give back with your children, as they can get involved at any age. To respect the privacy of the women, volunteers do not serve lunch at On The Rise. The women self-serve lunch; please package lunch buffet or family style (no individually wrapped items). Lunch should be enough to serve 15-20 people. Click here for more specific lunch preparation and delivery information.
Ages: All ages can participate.
Time Commitment: Flexible, this can be a one-time opportunity or you may sign up for multiple shifts throughout the year.
Contact: Keyton Sheely, keyton.sheely@ontherise.org, 617.497.7968. Volunteers self schedule dates on Meal Train. Dates in blue mean a person has already signed up to cook a lunch for that day. Dates in green are available for lunch. Simply click on the day you'd like and register! You'll get a reminder email one week before your scheduled date as well as a day before reminder.
Holiday Meal Delivery
Community Servings
Date/Time: Friday, December 21 - shifts start at 9, 10, or 11am
Location: 18 Marbury Terrace, Jamaica Plain
Join Community Servings during the holiday season to help deliver holiday meals to individuals and families living with critical illnesses across Boston. This is a perfect opportunity for the whole family to bring some holiday cheer to Community Servings clients! Volunteers will need to deliver baskets in their own vehicle. Please note the following requirements:
- Must have a vehicle and valid driver's license.
- Must volunteer with a friend or partner - deliveries must be made by a minimum of two people. (Only 1 person required to register.)
- Must have a clean car with ample storage. (Preferably a cargo van or SUV.)
- Must have a cellphone.
- Navigation (Google Maps, Waze) or a good sense of direction.
- Willingness to deliver/pickup to/from Greater Boston suburbs.
Ages: Families are welcome to participate. Adult supervision is required for those under 18.
Time Commitment: Varies
Give the Gift of Play - Annual Toy Drive
Room to Grow
Date/Time: Holiday Toy Drive runs through December. Drop off donations Monday through Friday, 9:30 am - 4 pm. Please call the front desk at 617.859.4545 when you are five minutes away and staff will meet you outside the front of the building for curbside assistance. If you need to make other arrangements for drop-off, contact Josh.
Location: Room to Grow, 142 Berkeley Street, Boston Now in its fifth year, Room to Grow's Annual Holiday Toy Drive collects thousands of toys for babies in low-income families. During a child's first three years, toys play a critical role in helping babies learn and grow. At every three-month visit to Room to Grow, social workers guide families in choosing five educational toys to support their baby's development, preparing them for future learning and success. By providing educational toys to Room to Grow, you are helping babies:
- Develop new skills such as reaching, grasping, and crawling
- Learn colors, numbers, and shapes
- Strengthen memory skills
Ways you can contribute: - Hold a toy drive in your community.
- Celebrate your toy drive by sharing your stories and pictures on social media (@roomtogroworg)
- Donate new or nearly new toys appropriate for newborns through children age three.
- Purchase urgently needed toys from our Amazon wishlist.
Ages: Everyone is welcome to participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Contact: Josh Tingley, josh.tingley@roomtogrow.org
The Giving Factory
Cradles to Crayons
Date/Time: A variety of weekday and weekend shifts are available. Check the website for details
Location: 155 N. Beacon Street, Brighton
Cradles to Crayons offers families the opportunity to teach their children the values of service and philanthropy while volunteering together to help children and families in need. A volunteer shift in The Giving Factory Warehouse involves hands-on processing of the donated goods that flow in on a regular basis. Each station in the warehouse includes inspecting, sorting, and packaging donations to ultimately be distributed to the children served by Cradles to Crayons. Please visit the website for more specific information about volunteering.
Ages: Children as young as five are allowed to volunteer. Any child under the age of 18 needs an adult present with them for the entire shift when they come to volunteer.
Time Commitment: Two hours
Contact: Interested volunteers are required to register with our volunteer coordinators in advance. Click here to fill out an inquiry form.
Giving Plates
Doing Good Together
Date/Time: Flexible
Location: Your own home or community location
Making some baked goods to bring along to a holiday gathering? You and your family can bake up some extra treats to share as a holiday gift with new or isolated neighbors, sick or stressed friends, or even service providers you meet on a regular basis, like the mail carrier or school bus driver. Then your family can design giving plates to place your home baked goodies on as part of your gift! Visit the Doing Good Together Design a Giving Plate for directions to make your plates and for additional ideas and reflection questions.
Ages: Everyone is welcome to participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Contact: mail@doinggoodtogether.org
Shop Kind for the Holidays!
Whether you're shopping for birthday gifts, making your holiday gift list, or just looking for big-hearted books, games, and activities for your family, be sure to keep kindness in mind. DGT has compiled a variety of "kind vendors," and we've found some fun Amazon products that could turn online shopping into a big-hearted activity. Best of all, as an Amazon affiliate and having sponsored vendors, DGT benefits from these purchases as well. Want to become a Kind Vendor? Contact us and tell us about your big-hearted product! |
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This list was compiled by Doing Good Together™ (www.doinggoodtogether.org)
When calling to volunteer for any of the opportunities listed above, please let the coordinator know you found it through this listing. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have of the sponsoring organization before committing to a project. Disclaimer: This list is provided as a service to families. Inclusion of organizations in this listing does not imply affiliation, endorsement or quality assurance on the part of Doing Good Together.™ Doing Good Together™ bears no responsibility whatsoever for the activities and actions of the listed organizations.
© 2018 Doing Good Together™