Explore Your Membership Exclusives!
Welcome to a growing movement of big-hearted parents whose top priorities include:
Sharing kindness and compassion as a family
Teaching kids to strengthen their empathy muscles and grow big hearts
Living in a way that connects, strengthens, and empowers your family, your community, and our world by making a meaningful difference.
Doing Good Together is here to help you reach these ambitious goals!
New to Membership?
Consider this an evolving online library for your DGT Membership:

Enjoy this Members-Only Video Experience

Click here to start your family’s dance party!
Celebrate kindness as a family!
Enjoy this unforgettable rebroadcast from DGT’s Festival of Giving. Guest Star Dan Saks from the Noodle Loaf podcast will have you singing, dancing, and dreaming of your next act of kindness!

Explore Big Ideas One Book at a Time
Access cut-and-keep conversation cards for some of DGT’s favorite picture book titles.
Emerging research is demonstrating what book lovers have always known instinctively: reading is an incredible tool for nurturing empathy, compassion, and insight into the world of others.
Click on your favorite title below, print the downloadable cards, and share big-ideas with a child in your life. These cards have been designed to cut apart and store with your book in a standard library pocket.
Share your experiences with us on Instagram and in our Facebook Group. Be sure to mention @doinggoodtogether and use the #dgtmembership hashtag!
Visit our Facebook group today to connect with like-minded families.
Disclaimer: Doing Good Together™ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.