Get started with DGT’s big-hearted basics.
Our tools and resources are designed to help you launch a kindness practice with your family.
Not all at once.
Not in an overwhelming way.
The four strategies below will help launch your kindness practice in increments, one simple act, book, or conversation each day.
““A family kindness practice is not simply an occasional volunteer engagement. It’s a way of moving through your busy days with intention, empathy, and wonder.”
Make kindness a priority!
Take a look at your family’s schedule and find a way to build small acts of kindness into the activities you already enjoy.
Give it a try:
Add one of these habits to your daily routine.
Set up a Magic Mail card-making station in your home.
Pick up litter whenever you take a family walk.
2. Read Widely Together
The stories you share offer a great opportunity for big conversations. Through literature, you can explore a range of social issues, emotional states, and personal challenges from your own home and in your own time!
Give it a try:
Print and use DGT’s conversation starters for any story.
Browse our topical book lists.
Read often. Bedtime stories, of course, but also over breakfast, in waiting rooms, and on lazy Saturday mornings. Keep reading long after they learn to read to themselves. In fact, read with your child until they demand you stop, and maybe just a little longer.
3 Reflect Together:
Sparking conversations on your kind acts, books, and experiences teaches kids how to ask big questions, how to make earnest observations, and how to walk in the shoes of another.
Give it a try:
Wonder together by asking open-ended questions.
Use DGT’s book-based, issue-specific reflection guides.
Make the most of the conversation starters included in every project and every book list in the DGT collection.
4. Volunteer Together
We come to these last only because volunteer experiences are less frequent.
No matter how often you schedule volunteer events, they will make a huge impact on your children. Some of our member favorites include:
Give it a try:
Pick up a monthly Meals on Wheels route.
Make Room for the Hungry, with a thought-provoking at-home fundraiser.
And sign up for our volunteer listings to receive monthly ideas.
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The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.