Create & Share Car Window Poetry

Spread poetry and smiles!

Tap into your family’s creativity and share simple messages of inspiration, hope, and joy.

Potential Recipients

Tuck your poetry under the car window wipers wherever you happen to be.

What you’ll need

  • Art supplies: Crayons or colored pencils, scissors, clear packing, and tape or laminating paper


  • Create short, heart-warming poems, jokes, or artwork. You may want to use the free Car Window Poetry cards available here.

  • Place your poems on car windows outside your school, playground, library, a busy grocery store, or wherever you happen to be. Note: if it's raining or remarkably windy, postpone this step a bit.

  • Post your poems on Instagram with the #CarWindowPoetry. While you're at it, kindly add #DoingGoodTogether as well!


  • What kind of words, pictures, and ideas make us smile? Feel hopeful? Feel brave?

  • What can we share that might cheer up other people if they’re having a hard day?

  • How would you feel if you found a note like this in our car?

  • Can we target this project? Who in our community could use some extra encouragement? Can we think of any organizations we might want to support (nurses at a local clinic, teachers at a local school)?


Browse the lists in Doing Good Together’s picturebook poetry collection for your next family favorite!

Take it further

Browse the projects in our Big-Hearted Families Tookit!

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The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.