Does your child enjoy keeping a journal or writing their own stories?
Does anyone in your family find it easier to gather their ideas on paper than in conversation?
If so, the newest project from Doing Good Together's Big-Hearted Families program may be perfect for your family.
Writing regularly in a journal can be an incredibly helpful habit to develop. Writing down our thoughts allows us to process big ideas, capture memories, and remember what's important.
For some of us, we even learn better through writing, the details stick with us longer when we write them down.
Emerging research is finding a connection between keeping a journal and greater emotional and physical health. Teaching your child to write regularly with a compassion-themed family journal can have a number of positive impacts on their well-being.
People who write heal more quickly from injuries.
Those who regularly keep a journal reportedly experience less stress and sleep better.
Writing strengthens reading and critical thinking skills.
And by using our compassion-themed prompts, writing can give your "empathy muscles" a workout.
We've put together simple project instructions, tips, and tools to help your family create a DIY Kindness Journal.
Take your kindness practice deeper by setting aside a few moments each week to discuss and write about the prompts we've gathered. Visit our project page for instructions, prompts, and journal-keeping tips.
If you'd like to see the benefits of a big-hearted journal without the work of creating it yourself, check out My First Gratitude Journal: A Write-in, Draw-in Gratitude Journal for Kids by Vivian Tenorio.
Still looking?
Browse through these big-hearted projects!

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The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.