Start Kind Conversations

Shine Your Light: 5 Strategies to Empower Children by Reinforcing Positive Actions

Shine Your Light: 5 Strategies to Empower Children by Reinforcing Positive Actions

People want and need to be seen. It is a fundamental characteristic of humans that we seek opportunities to connect with others in an authentic way. We want to feel noticed and valued as a member of the human community. We want to understand AND be understood. This connection is vital to our feelings of safety and happiness, and ultimately is foundational to our ability to work through challenges, think critically, be planful, and other executive function skills. How can adults use that in-born inclination to shine a light on actions that we wish to reinforce in our children? 

Transforming a Child’s “I Can’t” into “I Can!”

Transforming a Child’s “I Can’t” into “I Can!”

As adults, we have a better sense of what is within our locus of control and how we can approach solving problems from our mature perspective, whereas young children see a lot of problems as big and insurmountable even if they are not. The good news is that we can cultivate the growth of our child’s sense of helpfulness over time in ways that match their developmental stage, while teaching about both agency AND the interconnectedness of humanity.

Inspiring a Growth Mindset for Kids: How Parents Can Lead by Example

Inspiring a Growth Mindset for Kids: How Parents Can Lead by Example

in the last few years, I have worked diligently to cultivate a growth mindset and to model that approach for my teenage children. The basic idea behind this concept is that by using “yet” at the end of a sentence, we reframe our approach to problems and retrain our brains to see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. 

29 Big-Hearted Family Conversation Starters

Talking intentionally and openly about big ideas is at the core of DGT™’s mission and has had the greatest impact on our family’s life. Now updated with questions designed for reflection during the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic.

How to Talk to Kids About Poverty, Mental Illness, Systemic Racism, and Violence

How to Talk to Kids About Poverty, Mental Illness, Systemic Racism, and Violence

The world in which we are helping our children to grow is not free from adversity, small or large. We cannot shield young people from the troubles of their community and world. And while it might make us caring adults feel better to try, research shows that doing so is not to their benefit, either. Children are innately curious and working continuously on relating to others as their empathy skills develop. They wonder about big questions like, “how am I similar or different to people I see suffering,” “could that happen to me,” and “my heart hurts for them; how do I help them.” Many who witness tragedy or challenges faced by other people in the world ask the same questions. How do we explain problems like poverty, mental illness, systemic racism, and violence to these small humans?

Help Kids Build Resilience

Help Kids Build Resilience

Even if your children are fortunate enough not to face major difficulties in life, building a sense of connection and confidence will help provide protective factors and skills through life’s ups and downs. Here are a few suggestions to build resilience in everyday life.

Navigating Difficult Conversations with Children

The last few years have pushed us to our limits as we watch our world become more and more polarized over conversations around gun laws, mental health, the pandemic, race, and a war that rages in Eastern Europe. It seems almost impossible to take a breath. I struggle with how much to share with my children, but I ultimately know that they need to hear the truth – in age appropriate ways – even when it breaks my heart to share it with them.
Here are my suggestions on having these challenging conversations along with some resources that have helped me – and might help you as well.

The Inner Work of Childhood: How (and Why) To Become a Family of Philosophers

The Inner Work of Childhood: How (and Why) To Become a Family of Philosophers

There is a certain amount of “Who am I?” and “Why are we here?” work that needs to happen during our early years. At Doing Good Together, we have found that a great deal of the inner work happens when kids have the opportunity to ask big questions with adults in their lives. Our latest post gives you the scientific benefits of philosophical inquiry and offers practical tools to get you started.

6 Ways to Work for a More Compassionate Community

In his rendition of Stone Soup, Jon J Muth offers a lovely example of the way individual generosity can lead to a more compassionate community. Building on this inspiration, Doing Good Together offers several practical suggestions to help your family enrich your community in simple, everyday ways.

Understanding Immigration: Exercises in Empathy & Advocacy for Families

As the crisis at the border floods the news, your children may have questions. You may feel helpless to respond.  Our latest blog post can help you navigate this heartbreaking issue with your kids. As our blogger concludes, “Doing Good Together has always relied on two essential truths. In every crisis, there is something you can do to make a difference. And your family's actions, along with your empathy, will shape the next generation of helpers and heroes.”

Raising Peacemakers

To create peace in the world, we must strive for peace among our own neighbors, peace within our homes, and peace in our own hearts. Here, we share three everyday strategies to raise peacemakers.

I Wonder: Tools to Inspire Curiosity, Reflection, and Empathy in Kids

For nearly fifteen years Doing Good Together has connected parents with essential tools to open a thoughtful dialogue with their kids. We've seen time and again that by reflecting on our experiences, volunteer efforts, and everyday interactions, children develop strong skills in compassion and problem-solving.