
Loving Hearts, Loving Kindness: Exploring 4 Lesser-Known Types of Love for Children and Families

Loving Hearts, Loving Kindness: Exploring 4 Lesser-Known Types of Love for Children and Families

Valentine’s Day often stirs strong feelings, often over-celebrated with material gestures. Our guest contributor shares how her view of the holiday was shifted by a homemade card, revealing the day's deeper potential. Learn how teaching young children about varied forms of love can foster empathy and enrich lives.

Resolved: How DGT Can Help You Live Toward Your Big-Hearted Goals

This post is for you, the big-hearted parent who has set the earnest but seemingly sprawling intention to live more compassionately in the coming year. Doing Good Together’s Big-Hearted Families Program was created specifically to help parents seeking the tools, inspiration, and expertise to practice compassion and engagement as a regular part of your busy lives. Here we’ve gathered our favorite resources to get you started.

6 Ways to Work for a More Compassionate Community

In his rendition of Stone Soup, Jon J Muth offers a lovely example of the way individual generosity can lead to a more compassionate community. Building on this inspiration, Doing Good Together offers several practical suggestions to help your family enrich your community in simple, everyday ways.

Expand Your Circle: 6 Fun Ways to Reach Out, Teach Empathy, and Embrace Differences

Finding our tribe is good for our health. It's good for our jobs. It helps us live longer. But do our tribes limit our social experiences? We need to intentionally throw open the gates to new friendships and new social experiences if we’re going to expand our cultural boundaries and unlearn the prejudice that's unraveling our country.