Kindness Practice

Pre-K Kindness: Tools for Our Littlest Do Gooders

I’ve been working with Doing Good Together for a long time, long enough to know how important it is to grow strong roots of kindness and courage before that first day of school. Habits of kindness will help forge new friendships. Regular volunteering gives kids a strong sense of empowerment, as they see themselves as helpers. This self-reliance translates to courage in the classroom, as well as on the playground.

How to Quiet Distractions and Focus on Doing Good

Sharing compassion with others meets critical needs in our communities, even as it heals our spirits. With each act of service, our families can be a force for love and kindness, helping to heal our fractured country and connect meaningfully with those around us.

And along the way, our children will discover what it means to live an engaged and compassionate life.

Stand Up for Social Justice: Books & Tools for Civic-Minded Families

By engaging kids in social action, we can help our justice-loving youngsters recognize and stand up against inequities. We can help build their empathy muscles, practice the skills needed for social justice, and work toward a more equal society. In this week's post, DGT offers a new, book list to fuel your social action!

A Music Lovers' Guide to Doing Good (with a Big-Hearted Playlist)

Music helps us rally and brings us together in a way few other mediums can. In spite all of its power, music has been absent from Doing Good Together's big-hearted offerings. Until now.Here are 5 projects for big-hearted music lovers.

Big-Hearted Action Speaks Louder Than Fear

Now is the time to gather our families and get back to the work of helping the fearful, the lonely, the hungry, and everyone else needing a hand.Together, let’s cross kind acts off our to do list and watch their impact ripple out into the world. Together, let’s do all the good we can to bring people together, to lift others up.

Expand Your Circle: 6 Fun Ways to Reach Out, Teach Empathy, and Embrace Differences

Finding our tribe is good for our health. It's good for our jobs. It helps us live longer. But do our tribes limit our social experiences? We need to intentionally throw open the gates to new friendships and new social experiences if we’re going to expand our cultural boundaries and unlearn the prejudice that's unraveling our country.

The Wisdom of Kindness: 10 Life Lessons Children Learn by Doing Good

Helping others is reward enough. Yet an intentional family practice of kindness and volunteering teaches lessons that will last a lifetime.