8 Big-Hearted Remedies to Care for Your Family’s Emotional Colds

Just like the rest of our body, our mental health occasionally struggles with a bout of the grumps or bit of the blues. These emotionally low moments - featuring worry, self-doubt, fear, frustration, anger, and sadness - are a developmentally normal response to the rough patches of childhood and the stresses of the big changes our children experience throughout their growing up years. It’s our job to help our children learn to understand, cope with, and overcome their emotional upheaval. DGT is offering a few creative strategies to help you start a stockpile for your next run-in with the emotional sniffles.

We've Got Your Back: Digital Parenting Tools for Stronger Real-World Connections

We've Got Your Back: Digital Parenting Tools for Stronger Real-World Connections

We’ve gathered a dynamic list of our favorite digital reinforcements, chosen for their masterful ability to help you solve your latest parenting dilemma. Rely on these sites to make the rough patches of parenthood a little smoother, and free up some time to build your real-world network of support.


The Inner Work of Childhood: How (and Why) To Become a Family of Philosophers

The Inner Work of Childhood: How (and Why) To Become a Family of Philosophers

There is a certain amount of “Who am I?” and “Why are we here?” work that needs to happen during our early years. At Doing Good Together, we have found that a great deal of the inner work happens when kids have the opportunity to ask big questions with adults in their lives. Our latest post gives you the scientific benefits of philosophical inquiry and offers practical tools to get you started.

6 Ways to Work for a More Compassionate Community

In his rendition of Stone Soup, Jon J Muth offers a lovely example of the way individual generosity can lead to a more compassionate community. Building on this inspiration, Doing Good Together offers several practical suggestions to help your family enrich your community in simple, everyday ways.

Want to raise empowered kids? Teach advocacy!

Try our new, printable tools to take positive action on a cause you care about. Advocating and volunteering for a cause is the best way to empower your family and let legislative leaders know that they represent everyone in their district, including your family and the causes that matter to you.

9 Small, Science-Based Family-Life Upgrades that Prepare Kids to Live Kind

Giving your family routine a few big-hearted upgrades can make it easier to raise thoughtful, kind kids willing to reach out to that new student sitting alone at lunch or brave enough to stand with the student getting taunted by a bully. Ultimately these kind routines will help children become adults who strive to make a difference in the world.

Understanding Immigration: Exercises in Empathy & Advocacy for Families

As the crisis at the border floods the news, your children may have questions. You may feel helpless to respond.  Our latest blog post can help you navigate this heartbreaking issue with your kids. As our blogger concludes, “Doing Good Together has always relied on two essential truths. In every crisis, there is something you can do to make a difference. And your family's actions, along with your empathy, will shape the next generation of helpers and heroes.”

Raising Peacemakers

To create peace in the world, we must strive for peace among our own neighbors, peace within our homes, and peace in our own hearts. Here, we share three everyday strategies to raise peacemakers.

Little Green Thumbs: A Guide to Doing Good with the Family Garden

At Doing Good Together™ we love to find ways to make a difference, not occasionally, but regularly, as part of the hobbies and habits we already pursue. Here are four easy ways you and your little one can make a difference with this summer's family vegetable garden and three essential reasons to make gardening your favorite family hobby!

I Wonder: Tools to Inspire Curiosity, Reflection, and Empathy in Kids

For nearly fifteen years Doing Good Together has connected parents with essential tools to open a thoughtful dialogue with their kids. We've seen time and again that by reflecting on our experiences, volunteer efforts, and everyday interactions, children develop strong skills in compassion and problem-solving.