Boosting Family Kindness Reserves: The Transformative Power of Self-Care

Boosting Family Kindness Reserves: The Transformative Power of Self-Care

In today's fast-paced world, balancing the demands of work, family, and personal time can be a challenge. For families with children, this balancing act is even more crucial.

While we often focus on caring for our children and teaching them kindness, we sometimes forget that nurturing ourselves is essential to sustain this kindness. Self-care is more than just a buzzword; it's a necessity. For families, especially those with young children, self-care isn't just about individual well-being but collective harmony. 

When parents practice self-care, they set a positive example for their children, showing them that taking care of oneself is vital for maintaining kindness and compassion toward others. When our own "cups" are full, it becomes easier to pour love and care into others. Self-care helps in reducing stress, improving mental health, and increasing overall happiness. 

When parents feel good, they can better handle the ups and downs of family life, making the home environment more peaceful and loving. This creates a positive ripple effect, influencing not just the immediate family but also the broader community.

With gratitude, 
—MiaLisa Millares, Executive Director


Practice Yoga as a Family

Yoga is an excellent way for families to engage in self-care together. It's a calming activity that promotes physical health and emotional well-being. Adding some deep breathing exercises can further enhance the experience, helping everyone to unwind and connect on a deeper level. Practicing yoga together also provides a great opportunity to discuss the importance of balance and mindfulness.

Go on a Nature Walk or Outdoor Scavenger Hunt

Spending time in nature is a fantastic way to rejuvenate and practice self-care. Plan regular family outings to parks or nature reserves and turn these walks into scavenger hunts with our free printable

Craft Your Way to Acts of Kindness

Engaging in creative activities like drawing, painting, or crafting can be therapeutic for both parents and children. Set aside some time each week for family art sessions where everyone can express themselves creatively. Why not have your crafting session benefit those around you. Check out our projects page for crafty ways to spread kindness and reduce stress at the same time!

Cook Together

Cooking as a family can be both fun and rewarding. Choose simple recipes that kids can help with, like making pizzas or baking cookies. Cooking together not only teaches children valuable life skills but also provides an opportunity for meaningful conversations. Share the meal you cook with a neighbor, cook a meal at a homeless shelter or make birdseed cookies to spread some kindness!

Read with Empathy

Reading is a wonderful way to unwind and learn simultaneously. Set aside time each day for family reading sessions where each member picks a book of their choice. Check out these great books lists for stories that will appeal to parents and kids alike.

Volunteer Listings

Are you looking for more opportunities in your area to volunteer with your kids? Check out our FREE volunteer listings. We try to create a list with a great variety of opportunities that can meet many needs. Simply subscribe to the list and receive a free monthly email that details a number of different opportunities in your community to give back as a family. 


  • What makes you feel happy and relaxed?

  • Can you think of a time when taking a break helped you feel better?

  • How do you feel when someone is kind to you?

  • Why do you think it's essential to take care of ourselves?

  • What are some ways we can be kind to ourselves?

  • How does being kind to ourselves help us be kinder to others?

  • What's your favorite self-care activity, and why?

  • How do you feel after spending time in nature?

  • What are some things you can do to help a friend who is feeling sad?

  • How can we make self-care a regular part of our family routine?


Check out our list of picture books on mindfulness to add to your self-care journey.


"Taking care of yourself is the most powerful way to begin to take care of others."

—Bryant McGill