When parents practice self-care, they set a positive example for their children, showing them that taking care of oneself is vital for maintaining kindness and compassion toward others. When our own "cups" are full, it becomes easier to pour love and care into others. Self-care helps in reducing stress, improving mental health, and increasing overall happiness.
The Nature Prescription
Nurturing Empathy in Children: The Foundation of Emotional Intelligence
In an age marked by rapid digital interaction, the ability to engage emotionally and understand others' perspectives is becoming increasingly important. For parents and caregivers, equipping youngsters with tools to express and interpret emotions constructively is pivotal to their future success and happiness.
Mindfulness as an Antidote to Holiday Stress
The Power of Listening with Your Heart
True listening is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children. While we believe we are good at listening, research tells us that we really only listen at about 25% efficacy. Other studies suggest that we are forgetful and distracted when listening 75% of the time. Great listening is something that is trained, honed and practiced. We can practice taking the time to stop, give someone our full attention, let them speak without interruption, ask follow-up questions, and refrain from judgment.