
Reimagining Your Thanksgiving Celebration

Reimagining Your Thanksgiving Celebration

Since so much might be different about our Thanksgiving this year, it's an ideal time to think creatively about the holiday. We know, for example, that the simple history of Thanksgiving that we've been taught is neither accurate nor fair, so how could we unravel this myth for our children? Here are ways to make Thanksgiving in this upside-down year more meaningful, more compassionate, and a truer reflection of our deepest values.

Food Insecurity in U.S. Is Growing – Here's How to Help

With so many crises swirling around us, the problem of food insecurity in this country hasn't received the attention it deserves. As you know, poor access to food has serious consequences for mental and physical health, especially for kids. Talk to your children about this troubling issue and, if you're in a position to do so, help neighbors experiencing tight times.

Take Valentine's Day To Heart

Hate the commercialism of Valentine's Day but want to embrace messages of love, kindness, and generosity? We've got simple ideas to make this day that celebrates love more special than ever.

In Case You Missed Them: Our Best Resources of 2018

We want to remind you of some DGT initiatives we were particularly proud to launch -- and that will surely gather steam in the coming year. From additional big-hearted resources to our new Just Be Kind program to our new Festival of Giving event, DGT continued to bring kindness and giving to life in 2018. 

A Parent’s Wishlist for Raising Caring Kids

Most of us wish for a kinder world. At Doing Good Together™, we believe that this begins with children. We believe that raising children to care about others and the common good is an imperative -- and the most likely way to heal our planet in the years to come. With this in mind, we offer a few tips to satisfy everyone's wishes for happier children, more connected families, and a better world.

How to Be a Hurricane Helper

How to Be a Hurricane Helper

The images of Hurricane Harvey's devastation in Texas and Louisiana are heartbreaking and frightening. But we have also been heartened by the stories of those who have stepped up – even risking their own lives - to rescue their neighbors. There are things your family can do to help, too. Take this opportunity to talk to your children about how much you admire these big-hearted heroes - and how your family might follow their example. 

A Charity to Call Your Own

Consider marking the new school year by choosing one local charity to "adopt" for the year. It could be a homeless shelter, an environmental organization, a care facility, an arts group or an early-childhood program. By next summer your whole family will have become conversant on the issues, had fun together, met some wonderful people and made your community better.