citizenship — DGT Newsletter — Doing Good Together™

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The Power of Advocacy: How Parents can Help Kids Make a Difference

The Power of Advocacy: How Parents can Help Kids Make a Difference

As parents, we know that you want to raise compassionate kids, embrace empathy, and make the world a better place. One way to do that effectively is to teach kids about citizenship and the importance of advocacy. Advocacy isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a powerful tool that can shape outcomes, break down barriers, and create meaningful change. For parents and champions, advocacy allows you to fight for the issues that matter to you and your community. 

Navigating Politics with Kindness During the Election Season

Navigating Politics with Kindness During the Election Season

As we understand more about the science of kindness, we learn that small acts can have profound effects on both individuals and communities. By integrating acts of kindness into daily routines, encouraging meaningful conversations, and exposing children to inspiring stories, parents can nurture empathy and compassion in their children and reap the benefits of kindness science! 

How to Nurture Your Child’s Passion for Social Change

How to Nurture Your Child’s Passion for Social Change

There are some practical ways to help your child discover their passion for change and channel their energy and enthusiasm in a positive direction. Whether it's through volunteering, fundraising, advocacy, or simply being kind to others, you can make service and kindness a cornerstone of your family's values and build a better world together.

The Power of Kindness to Counteract Bullying

It's no secret that bullying is a problem in schools. All too often children are teased, excluded, or made to feel inferior because of their appearance, intelligence, or interests. But there is hope. Kindness has the power to change the culture of a school and create an environment where everyone is respected and valued.

Boost Academics, Mental Health, and Connection Through Volunteering

Focusing on academics and achievement gaps are priorities that must be front and center. That is why it is imperative to remind ourselves that academics work best when coupled with volunteering. Research shows that volunteering boosts academic achievement. Volunteers tend to perform better in school and have stronger social skills. Additionally, giving back feels good and helps boost mental health by promoting connection with others. Volunteering is simply a win-win-win.

Embracing the Last Days of Summer

As you are creating your bucket list of things to do before summer is over, why not embrace the last days of summer by spreading kindness? While an instance of kindness can be powerful and even make you feel good, the real benefit of kindness comes from repeating acts of kindness over and again. Let’s help our children embrace the last days of summer with kind acts of service.

Challenging Conversations in Difficult Times

The news is filled with stories of families fleeing Ukraine, and your children may be asking challenging questions about these heartbreaking situations. As a parent, I want to protect my children from great sadness and information they may not be ready for, but I also want them to learn empathy, kindness, generosity, and compassion for those in need.. Children who learn they can make a difference become adults who change the world for the better.

Start Some Big-Hearted Holiday Traditions

If all the toy ads, over-the-top decorations (starting in October!), and incessant credit card use are bringing on the holiday blues, try creating some new holiday memories that are fueled by compassion, not commercialism. These simple traditions will not only let you share important values with your children, they will also lift your spirits. It's guaranteed: your kids will treasure these memories long after their once-coveted toys are broken or forgotten.

How To Handle Kids' Allowance

Offering children an allowance provides the opportunity to have ongoing conversations about important financial literacy skills. And that's critical. According to researchers, three out of four young people cannot answer basic financial questions. In addition, dealing with small amounts of money when they're young allows children to make mistakes and learn from them, before poor financial decisions have serious consequences

You Can Instill Good Citizenship. Here's How.

If our democracy is to thrive, we must teach children the skills they need for critical reflection and thoughtful civic engagement. Research tells us that people who have been educated in civics are more likely to vote and be involved in public life. Here are five easy, hands-on ways to help kids begin to see how they can help create the world they want to live in.