
Fun, Summer-Friendly Ways to Build Resilience in Your Kids

Even in less-trying times, most parents try to keep their kids from experiencing stress, setbacks, and struggles. These days, with all the anxiety and uncertainty surrounding COVID, that's nearly impossible. But we can provide our kids with the emotional armor and grit-enhancing tools to help them bounce back from hard times - and even "bounce forward" as a stronger person. Here are some ideas for instilling resilience in your child, and having fun doing it.

Fun, Meaningful Ideas for a Low-Cost, No-Camp Summer

Even as we continue the work of building a stronger, healthier, more equitable world, the everyday challenges of work and parenthood are still with us. We don't have the answers to these challenging issues, but we do have a few ideas for how your family can have fun, get outside, be creative, and help others this summer.

Take Your Child on a Kindness Date!

Here's a way to prioritize meaningful time with your child---   and also convey how much you value living generously. Take your child on a kindness date! Surprise them with an idea that matches their interests and passions, or have them pick an outing from the ideas below.

How (and Why) to Make Caring a Habit This Year

Many families have told us they want to put more focus – intentional focus – on kindness, serving, and justice in 2020. You know by now that a child raised to be kind does better in school and in life. But how do you find time for ONE MORE THING in your already-too-busy life? And once you've started, how do you keep the caring habit alive?

Our Best of 2019: A Recap

As we look back, we're immensely grateful for our community of big-hearted families working to raise children who care for others. In this tumultuous time, take a moment to be proud of the many ways YOU are building a kinder, more just world. 

A Crisis of Imagination

The world needs imagination. From small, personal issues (how to respond when someone teases you) to humanity's greatest challenges (how to combat climate change), imagination can produce creative ways of solving life's problems. It's the foundation for all innovation and invention.

The Joy – and Challenge – of Gift-Giving

Giving gifts can be a joyful thing. We get to imagine what others might enjoy receiving. For kids, giving gifts is important for teaching generosity and empathy. But how do you offer children the undeniable pleasure of giving without encouraging consumerism? What gifts can you, in turn, give them that model these values? We offer some guidance for striking a gift-giving balance.

How to Raise a Good Sport

Sports give kids opportunities to cope with failure and success, work hard toward a goal, cooperate with others, learn fairness – and get away from screens for a while. It can be tough for kids to control the strong emotions that come with competition … but with a little early coaching from you, your child can be prepared to show respect for teammates and coaches, grace in winning and losing, and an understanding of what success in sports really means.

How Consumerism Undermines Your Child's Well-Being – and How to Fix It

Think of all the ways our homes reflect consumer culture: overflowing toy boxes, jam-packed drawers, gadget-filled garages. Unfortunately, too much focus on material possessions damages our well-being – and that of our children. … The message being delivered to our kids is that consumer goods bring happiness. As parents, we have the power to counter and control this. Here's how…

How to Talk to Your Child about Climate Change

With each dire news story about the planet's future, that topic may seem too scary or complicated to discuss. Still, most parents think it's important  to inform their children about this critical issue. Even if want to shield them, we're aware they're likely to hear about it from other (possibly less reliable) sources. So how do we help kids understand the science – and become empowered to make a difference – while making sure they feel safe and secure? Below are five action steps to get you started.

How Practicing Kindness Can Help Your Anxious Child

How Practicing Kindness Can Help Your Anxious Child

Studies show that volunteering leads to greater life satisfaction; performing acts of kindness makes people happier and more socially comfortable; and helping others boosts daily well-being. If your child tends to be anxious, you can't make it magically go away, but you can offer tools to manage their discomfort, and strategies to help them cope.

Beyond Our Neighbors: A Curriculum for Expanding Empathy and Compassion to "Others"

Although children - like adults - instinctively sort the world into "like me" and "not like me" groups, it is possible to expand their understanding of who is in their "like me" circles and to build respect and appreciation for those who are in their "unlike me" circles.

Take Valentine's Day To Heart

Hate the commercialism of Valentine's Day but want to embrace messages of love, kindness, and generosity? We've got simple ideas to make this day that celebrates love more special than ever.

In Case You Missed Them: Our Best Resources of 2018

We want to remind you of some DGT initiatives we were particularly proud to launch -- and that will surely gather steam in the coming year. From additional big-hearted resources to our new Just Be Kind program to our new Festival of Giving event, DGT continued to bring kindness and giving to life in 2018. 

A Parent’s Wishlist for Raising Caring Kids

Most of us wish for a kinder world. At Doing Good Together™, we believe that this begins with children. We believe that raising children to care about others and the common good is an imperative -- and the most likely way to heal our planet in the years to come. With this in mind, we offer a few tips to satisfy everyone's wishes for happier children, more connected families, and a better world.

Start Some Big-Hearted Holiday Traditions

If all the toy ads, over-the-top decorations (starting in October!), and incessant credit card use are bringing on the holiday blues, try creating some new holiday memories that are fueled by compassion, not commercialism. These simple traditions will not only let you share important values with your children, they will also lift your spirits. It's guaranteed: your kids will treasure these memories long after their once-coveted toys are broken or forgotten.

How To Handle Kids' Allowance

Offering children an allowance provides the opportunity to have ongoing conversations about important financial literacy skills. And that's critical. According to researchers, three out of four young people cannot answer basic financial questions. In addition, dealing with small amounts of money when they're young allows children to make mistakes and learn from them, before poor financial decisions have serious consequences

You Can Instill Good Citizenship. Here's How.

If our democracy is to thrive, we must teach children the skills they need for critical reflection and thoughtful civic engagement. Research tells us that people who have been educated in civics are more likely to vote and be involved in public life. Here are five easy, hands-on ways to help kids begin to see how they can help create the world they want to live in.

4 Big-Hearted Parenting Trends You May Want to Embrace

Most of us have a love/hate relationship with parenting advice. It can be annoying, contradictory, or even atrocious. But it can also be revelatory and occasionally life-changing. It can make us feel like a failure or provide new, eye-opening possibilities for responding to our parenting challenges.